Rebecca Crimmins bio image
Rebecca Crimmins Client Relationship Manager

Office Location: Tukwila

Phone: 206.433.1700

How do you play the role of a mainspring in our clients’ lives?

I find through collaboration, processes, actions, and strategies are smoother and produce greater results. This then creates a momentum that has far reaching outcomes and opportunities for all.

What drives you?

I am driven by contributing to my teammates and clients. By initiating a conversation, taking action, or completing a project, all who have participated can grow through the experience. I am a life-long learner.

How do you spend time outside of work?

My time outside of work is spent with my husband, family and friends. My husband and I enjoy hiking and birding at local parks as well as exploring all the Northwest has to offer. I also enjoy cooking, discovering restaurants, and sharing food and experiences. Community volunteering brings joy and gratitude into my life.